I told someone a while back that I would post a sketch. Here is a sketch of a man whose face was in a book which was about to be dropped in a garbage can until I saw his face and snatched it out so I could sketch him. His name is George Kennan, it said, but I still don't know who he is. But he sure did need to be sketched. I need to touch him up more but oh, what a gloriously square head he has.
Awsome sketch!!!
That rocks!!!!
Excellent job O, especially on the hands, which are incredibly hard to sketch. Your talents continue to amaze me my dear beautiful soul. Thanks also for thinking about me. Warmed my heart more than you know. :-)
Trée, I am still concerned about you; I do hope you are doing well. Much love to you ALWAYS!
Wow, I gotta agree with you on this: If ever there were a face meant to be sketched, it is his.
Beautiful work. Absolutely beautiful.
I'm glad you like it Jane, I'd like to do him again from a lot of different angles. One of these days I'll hunt his name on the internet
Haa...um...I realize that didn't sound quite exactly like I meant for it to...
I meant---I'd like to SKETCH him again from a lot of different angles.
I have corrected myself and now we can all sleep well tonight.
Hello Oliviah! I think you are an amazing artist...and this is just one of the many drawings I have seen of yours that goes to prove just that! Many would get bogged down at trying to overly "detail" a drawing, but not you! you give us full perfect "mass" of hand with just a few sparse lines...same with the head and the chin, you say so much with so little! It is refreshing today to see someone "true" to their own visions, in subject matter but especially where technique is concerned...using only what is necessary to revel an image of raw emotional intensity! BRAVO! please post more like this!
We know what you said and we know what you meant.... hee hee hee hee hee.
This is a great Drawing! With just a few lines and limited modeling you demonstrated the "mass" of the hand perfectly I also loved the top of the head and the chin, surperb rendering and the abundance of texture... In this day and age of "photorealism" and "refined" drawing it is refreshing to see real feeling and authenticity! Love the composition also, the diagonal in the background adds even more drama...PLEASE POST MORE OF YOUR DRAWINGS, I really think you have something here! Serious!! Joey K
Hi, O. Thanks, first.
I went straight to wikipedia, which told me that this has to be the same George Kennan who was a diplomat, US Ambassador to the USSR for 4 months in 1952, then Yugoslavia. Which will do.
Intersting to compare an old photo there (no moustache) with your sketch.
How talented you are! Have recently discovered that Hieronimus Bosch captured me and my essence in two works 10 years apart, around 1490 & 1500. Amazing. Also a talent!!!
Joey, I don't even know where to begin to answer a comment that means as much to me as yours does. You have taught me so many things in such a short time, not just art related...things about life and what real friendship means. I am glad to have known you. xo
Icarus, thank you, I hadn't even thought to give wikipedia a look over, I'll be sure to do so. That sounds interesting. Hugs and kisses to you, Oliviah
This is a wonderful sketch, such character. Oliviah, you are so talented.
Thanks Deb :-)
I can see why upon seeing your sketch just why you fished him out, a tale he tells with every crease and that faraway look as though he is remembering yesteryear..wonderful work, Oliviah.
Great picture - amazing it is to me how anyone can capture something by drawing. You have so many facets to your mysterious self. And bravo to Icarus for tracking down the scoop on your head :)
Thank you Autumn and Terry. :-)
Wonderful! I only wish my people drawings ended up looking like people! LOL! Mine end up leaning towards the abstract, as I can't seem to get proportions onto paper correctly yet. You have done a beautiful job! :)
Kshippychic, it just makes my day when you drop in, glad you like the sketch.
I wasn't sure how this sketch was going to go over, to tell you the truth.
I thought about posting a sketch of something that would be graceful and lovely & hopefully be generally pleasing--but then I saw his face and that was all there was to it. I had to post him.
I'm pretty darn impressed by what you do, btw!
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