I am having a bit of Apophysis burnout and this is how it feels...sorry folks, life ain't always pretty

"The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them: that's the essence of inhumanity." George Bernard Shaw
I know what you mean, Oliviah. If you hadn't put up the other programs, I would be burned out too. I only have two days left on Ultra Fractal, and just starting to figure out what it does.
Bleak indeed! Looks like a barbed-wire fence in the snow :-)
Interesting. Well, Oliviah, I took your advice and tried out this program. I put my first four attempts up on my blog. Thanks for pushing me in this direction. They were a lot of fun to do.
Nice images as always. For Apo burnout you can always try Tierazon, Chaoscope or for a real change, Context Free. Links to all these programs are on the RHS of my blog.
that reminds me of a concentration camp.
Thanks Dzeni, I looked at what you have done with Context Free and downloaded it. Haven't used it yet, looks really interesting.
Bleak, barbed wire and concentration camp...couldn't agree with you more. This image disturbs me a bit but it sure showed how I was feeling, oh my did it ever.
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