Standing on the edge of something much too deep
It's funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word
We are screaming inside but we can't be heard
But I will remember you...will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by, weep not for the memories
I'm so afraid to love you but more afraid to lose
But I will remember you...will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by, weep not for the memories
I will remember you, will you remember me
Don't let your life pass you by
I Will Remember You, Sarah McLachlan

Oliviah, why are you so tired? You've got such a heavy heart, but also an extremely giving heart. The fractal is really beautiful. I worry about you.
R U OK?? Probably a dumb question. I am guessing "no" based on the fact that you are blogging at 2.45am. Your poems are beautiful, your work is beautiful, you are beautiful. Hope that all your tomorrows are better than today.
Oliviah, I remember you each and every day. Beautiful song. I'm always here if you need me. Peace and Love.
The loops look like a coronal prominences on the Sun. nice work. Hope you are well. Hugs.
Thank you for caring...your thoughts are hugs to me.
I understand the "I'm so tired" but, we must up, up and away today. Just going through some of your work since I have been gone. As always beautiful.
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