There! Do you see that? You can see straight through his nostril thingy. Is that cool or what? I wonder what purpose that kind of nostril thing serves. I can't believe that bird stood still long enough for me to take a picture of his nostril thingy. Yay!
Hey you think he breathes through that thingy? :) Its me, Joey! I'm back!
you are a fabulous photgrapher!
Hello Joey! I don't know why I'm so fascinated with his nostril. His eyes are almost the same color as the feathers on his face, but wow, check out that beak, you can see all the way through it's nostril when it turns sideways. I'm a Florida girl, I'm supposed to know what kind of bird this is but I forgot. Ah well.
Looks like the red part of his head is shaved and he has an Abraham Lincoln beard happening too. Cool pic. :-)
That's funny Trée. I hope you are having a good afternoon. I was just thinking of you.
I think we should call the big bird "Abe" now. ;-) I wonder if his nose whistles when the wind blows? It would be funny if that was how the male gets his mate. And if different nostril sizes and shapes had greater or less attraction to the females.
Ha, that would be so funny if that was the reason these birds walk sooo slowly and deliberately...if they were really chatting down a female saying, "Hey baby, look at my nostril, go ahead, it's so big I bet you can see that entire woman with the camera right through it, go ahead, look through my big sexy nostril, you know you want to!"
Great photo! Your last comment made me smile :)
I'm glad you like it. :-)
Beautiful birdy! I love his red eyes!
That is one heck of an amazing shot, Oliviah! I'll bet if he flies fast enough, you'll hear a whistle.
Welcome back!
You really do take great pictures. You have a photographer's eye. Notwithstanding the topic regarding the bird's nostril. LOL!
Funny comments here :-)
You silly, he was trying to hypnotize you, and he did ;-)
Hey Kshippychicy-chic, his eyes are amazing. Nature is so...well, color co-ordinated. :-)
Wontar, what fun that would be. Music in the air. Unless one of them had a cold or something. Bleh. :-D
Deb, I'm glad you enjoyed him. I should be posting some old fractal pictures for some variety but it kind of bums me out that I can't figure out how to make them right now. In time, I hope. I am enjoying the camera though. I will enjoy them more if I can learn how to operate the camera better.
runnerfrog, haaa....you are right. He certainly did hypnotize me, and most thoroughly he did! LOL
Sandhill crane? What a cool bird to see. I like birds better than fractals most of the time :D
You and me both Terry, lol!
That is a beautiful bird, I can't believe you got so close! I wonder if the hole aids in his breathing. Probably air in, air out? Eh... I guess that would be exhaling, wouldn't it? LOL
Beautiful picture
I think these birds would be better off if they weren't so used to people being in such close quarters with them. We've not left much room for them at all really.
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