Saturday, October 15, 2005

Lauren, when I made this, the first thing that I thought of was you. Because this is the way I think of you...of all the beautiful stars that there are out there, to me you shine the brightest of them all. I love you baby. Posted by Picasa


Trée said...

Breathtaking. Stunning. Gorgeous. Magnificent. I'm running out of words to describe how beautiful your fractal's are Oliviah.

TotalChaos said...

Great lines and colors there.

Anonymous said...

Hey mommy! Thank you so much for making that, tree and daddyjar were right it is beautiful. I appreciate you making these for me! They mean more to me than u could ever imagin

Beau said...

Beautiful work, and my favorite one on your blog so far. Thanks for sharing them with everyone.

jane said...

there are so many pretty things i see in that one. the star, the ribbons, the lights...everything!

Mackey said...

You are magnificient & so is this!

EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said...

You and Tree are similar in your visions. Your vivid abstract imaginations manifest your genius.

You should be best sellers.

Have you tried using this technique in painting galaxies?